Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 2 of New Schedule

So today got off to a good start.  Both children were out of bed and dressed by 8:00 again! Two days in a row!! I typically have to call DD10 (Dear Daughter, age 10) at least 3 times, but she seems to actually be using her alarm clock!  It's a miracle!

DS4y11m is usually allowed to sleep as long as needed, but I was going to start calling him since he is doing Kindergarten now, but he has also gotten up when I wanted him without my urging.

Yesterday's schedule was a bit of a bear, so I have tweaked it some.  I have a few things that we really need to get finished by mid-September, so that is where our focus needs to be. As we enter into the fall season other things will be added to the schedule as well, so I may have to do schedules for each day of the week.

Now that I see the schedule in print, I feel more confident that I will be able to implement it.  I'm sure there will be days that we get off course, but those things happen.  We will just pick up the next day and move on.

My next post, I hope to discuss Managers of Their Homes in more detail.  It may be a day or two before I get there though.

See you next time!

Monday, August 17, 2015


Today is the day we start anew.  I am so tired of feeling bogged down and not getting anything done!

I discovered a book titled Managers of Their Homes by Steven and Teri Maxwell (http://www.titus2.com/). I have been reading and trying to come up with my list of chores that need to be done daily, weekly, etc.  I also needed to be able to schedule school time for 2 children instead of just one this year. 

So today is the day I'm starting to test implementation of the schedule at this point. So far so good today. Both kids were up, without me calling them, and dressed before 8:00. I also had gotten up earlier than usual and had time for my own quiet time.  I did a load of laundry and had it done by 8:00 as well. GO ME!! We had breakfast at 8:00, then did some bathroom chores and bedroom chores.  At 9:00, we started our school day. As of lunch time, the kids are being pretty cooperative. I hope and pray that this will continue!

I am certain that I will be tweaking the schedule for a while until I find just the right fit for my little family, but I had to start somewhere.